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I’m over my melancholy now. I’m just very tired. I didn’t feel like going to school this morning and I ended up going for my tutorial half an hour late. Thank goodness it’s my first time being late. Ah well…and when I was in school, I ended up not wanting to get home. I guess this is really not the right time for Mystique Gifts to be a full fledged business. It has the potential to go far, but I want it to be a partnership because it’s something that the 3 of us conceived and brought to fruition (although it’s NOT fully bloomed). Ah well…all the more time and energy I can place on my school work. =) *sigh* I have NO idea why my google ads are on sound proofing. Although I may technically speaking be making a lot of noise online…but I never mentioned the word before….google ads…weird…

Anyway, Sing feels that we’re arguing endlessly over the registration of Mystique. Well, I don’t really call it arguing. I don’t even think it’s arguing. Of course I’m frustrated over the issue but it’s not like where all 3 of us are in a ring and hurling words at each other. The problem is that we 3 have different commitments and want to commit differently to Mystique in terms of the law. Sing can’t put her name down as a partner because of her parents. Moon only want to reg under Private Limited but is unwilling to spend the cash ($315) and she wants the website shut down (this is despite it being altered to become our online catalgoue…I wonder whether she has visited it recently). I’m ok with registering the company pte ltd or no pte ltd. However, I am NOT going to register as the sole-proprietor. As I’ve said before, Mystique started as a partnership between the 3 of us. I am NOT going to make the business become a partnership in spirit but not in name or legalities. We went into this together, we bloody well go through it together. But this is just my opinion.

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