I was complaining to Sing this morning and she commented that I should live alone. I’ve said this to some people as well, that I’d rather live alone with Baileys. See, the perks are:
– I don’t have a curfew
– I don’t need to tell my mum where I’m going and what time I’ll be back
– My toilet will have all the things that I love and nobody else’s clutter
– Nobody to nag me to do housework…I’ll do them OTOT
– I don’t have to smell anything that I don’t like
– I don’t have to put up with people’s bad habits and neither do they have to endure mine
Anyway, this is just a dream…and with dreams, I already have a dream room in my head. It’ll be fantastic to see it become real though. Ah well…I’ve got an itchy eye that MAY be due to sore eye OR just an allergy. Yes…allergic reaction that shows up in the eye. *sigh* and I thought sneezing was bad enough…no…not itchy eye too! =P My stupid chatterbox still doesn’t allow me to type…*pout* it hates me. I still blame zone alarm (although it may not b the reason).
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