Yes…I came back yesterday…tired and a little sick. I’m still stifling the sniffles…but it isn’t as bad now. Ah well…10 days in Kyushu. 4 days of lovely relaxation in Fukuoka only to be put through a rigourous and tiring tight schedule for the next 6 days. Did I have fun? Well…in a certain way I did. I managed to see Prime Minister Koizumi in person…he was like 20 metres away from me, on stage giving a speech. I’ve got loads of memories and complaints..haha..but I shall not turn this entry into an essay >.< Anyway, I've loads of people to thank…although I doubt they'll ever be reading this blog..but I'll thank them nonetheless.
諭:君の猫耳プレゼント、本当にありがとう!この猫耳は 超可愛い!大好きだよ!そして、君はいつも助ける(バスとか)ありがとうございました!Sorry for bothering you with my calls asking this and that.でも、次は一緒に旅行するね!アメリカかオステリアもいいよ。はは~でも、君はMUST practice your English!ね?
ひろぽん、雷太と恒:月曜日の飲み会、ありがとう!あの日はとても楽しかった!Christmasのプレゼントぜひあげる。。Look out for it!
Carol, Er Kai, Meihui and Letitia: Sorry that I couldn’t be part of our group presentations and I feel kind of bad about it…おみやげは。。ああ。。ないから、本当にごめんなさい!
Eddie: Thanks for the phone mate (read this with an Aussie twang)! Your phone really came in useful when people needed to contact me.
Amos: Well, thanks for being so irritating and for passing your cold to me? Haha…ok…that aside, thanks for being a source of sarcastic (albiet rather crappy) entertainment during our caravan tour and for putting up with the days when my Japanese friends came over and it became like watching a Japanese show minus the subtitles. =P But at least you managed to refresh your Japanese lessons and learnt some new phrases!ね!
Finally, to all those new friends whom I have made during the Summit, hope that we will remain in contact and we will be able to meet each other again. Let’s not say goodbye…but like the chinese and Japanese say, SEE YOU AGAIN!
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