15th Dec – Bro’s 26th Birthday and Dad’s open house
My eyes are so tired and I think I’m going to fall asleep at my keyboard although I didn’t do much today. It’s the lack of sleep I tell ya. I slept at 1:30am last night and was rudely woken up at 7 this morning. Those who know me will know that I need at least 8 hours of sleep and waking anytime before 10 is considered freaking early to me. -_- But anyhows…I had to yank my dazed self out of my comfy bed. Well…today has been a relatively uneventful day except that I managed to read more pages of my borrowed library book AND see the tons of food on the table. Too much food I tell you. We gave away boxes and boxes and boxes of curry puffs, pies and sandwiches. My dad overestimated the amount of food that people would eat. In fact, hardly anyone ate a thing. Gosh. Ah well…I can see myself eating curry puffs, pies and sandwiches for the next week. Does anyone want to join me? Oh…can someone buy me “liang teh” to offset the heatiness that will be brought by curry puffs?
P.S. My mum has started talking to me and I told her about my plan to return her the money through installments. That has gotten the greenlight. Yatta!!
P.P.S. MANGO is having sale!! I’ve been eyeing a pair of black pants for weeks…no $!!! (T_T)
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