Yes, I have been rather busy lately. First off, had been in church over the last weekend as we held a Young Adults’ Weekend retreat. We’re soon going to drop the word ‘retreat’ because its more like a journey or experience for us young adults – growing closer to God.
Went to the Tattoo Show in Expo (thanks to IS Magazine, I had won a pair of 3-day passes) and Chris Garver of Miami Ink was the special guest. So exciting…haha. We all thought that he was going to draw something on that girl…but guess what?
All he was writing was, “Posters, $20” (-_-;) But his posters were really nice. Would buy a piece if it were an oil canvas…if I had the money! HAHAHAHA….
Got a minor case of food poisoning on Mon morning thanks to our caterer for the weekend retreat. Funnily, only the female members of the organisers got food poisoning! We still can’t pinpoint which dish caused our discomfort and diarrhoea but for sure, its the food. Wonder how’s the compensation’s going to be like. Thank goodness my stomach upset didn’t cause any problems for my test for MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Goodness’ knows when the results will be out.
After the test, I ate a quick lunch and headed to Lido and purchased a ticket to “Red Cliff”. Yes, I watched it alone and no, I didn’t feel lonely. I want to watch that movie so badly (btw, it was good) and my parents had watched it without me! Moreover, most of my friends are only free to watch it during the weekends. Watching it on Monday means I save $2.50….hahaha.
Tues was a blur of writing my executive summary and’s application form. Only to be shot down by my friend who works at about how there are things to be improved on. As much as I appreciate his points, after reading through my executive summary again, I realised that he wasn’t right. Anyway, another friend pointed out that my defensibility section was lacking. Now, THAT’s constructive criticism.
Wed was another whirlwind day of writing press release and still having writer’s block *sigh*. I met up with my friend, the financial planner, that afternoon to sort out some lovely admin thanks to my dad. He doesn’t want to pay for my life policy anymore. As much as I understand, it is quite insensitive of him to kick up a big fuss just 2 weeks ago about still being charged a monthly installment on it. Err…hello…retrenched miss here who’s living off my rapidly depleting savings??? Sheesh…talk about compassion.
Thu started really early thanks to a 9am interview. I compensated that with a nice large breakfast at tcc. I never knew tcc had a breakfast menu till Thu morning. It’s expensive but really FULL. Yummy too *grin*. Hey…I have scrimped for so long…1 breakfast treat shouldn’t be that bad right? Being Miss productive, I have finally set up my biz bank account!! Now, I’m a bona fide business woman *curtsies* and entrepreneur *curtsies*.
I have just sent in my grant application form *crosses fingers*. I hope I get a grant ‘cos God knows I need that start up to hire a full time webmaster. No offense to you, Kewei-chan. You do know that I need someone who can dedicate a lot more time on my site.
*sigh* now comes the shopping around for a good webmaster who is cheap…haha. I know, I know…I’m asking for the sky and stars. Well, if you think that you’re good AND you want to expand your portfolio, kindly drop me an email with your expected payment and a couple of sites that you have done to
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