It has been 3 weeks since has been launched and there has been 189 hits (not counting the 20 over hits garnered during the first week) without much outright marketing!! That’s an average of about 10 hits a day! This is great and I am in the midst of revamping my site so any feedback and how YOU want it to look like will be more than appreciated.
The unfortunate part is that I still have yet to garner any sales but I am optimistic that is just starting on its path. Moreover, I am planning to add a “Makeover” section, which I think is very pracitical because we do see a lot of people (both males and females) who will be arrested and charged by the fashion police.
Will update you guys soon on the outcome of the website etc.
Well, Chinese New Year is here and let me tell you how uneventful mine has been thus far. Day 1 was the usual where people came over to my place and that was ok. However, Day 2….Dad said that he’s sick and so, we stayed home the whole day. The only time I stepped out of the house was to walk Baileys. Seriously. Boring.
Day 3, which was yesterday, was a flurry of activities as I met Mingxian for breakfast @ 9:30am (yes…mr super star is so busy that I got pushed to breakfast) but Killiney Kopitiam was closed…thank goodness Toast Box @ Centrepoint was open and we could satisfy Ming’s need for kaya toast and soft boiled eggs. As he had to rush off to meet another friend for lunch, I went off to meet my parents at Funan to purchase my wonderful new laser printer!! Dad’s a Challenger member so I already save $50 on the printer thanks to a member promo AND I saved another $20 because Dad had enough points to redeem it. Wee~ I saved $70!! Good deal!
Today has been tiring as I had a full day stage 2 interview with MFA. Tons of tests, assessments etc and I wouldn’t know the results till 2 weeks later. So don’t ask me how it went. Its not your traditional interview. Tired. Poopy eyes….foooodd…….
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