I’ve finally installed and managed to get Joomla running on my server. I’m trying to get a more professional website up for OCT 1983 Accessories. However, its not as user friendly as I hoped it would be. It immediately sets up this Joomla website on my site and then it doesn’t really tell me HOW to change the pages etc. You would’ve thought that it would start with a blank page and then you add links and pics etc. No….its NOT that user friendly. No wonder there are money grabbers out there who are selling video tutorials for Joomla. Can someone pls SHOW me how to use this thing?? I’m starting to think that html coding might be easier…..
Oh…I just found out that Oops…I Wanna Say.com has been featured in Danish website! Check out my ‘media’ page in Oops…I Wanna Say! I’m also in the midst of setting up the Chinese version and its 80% done! I’m so proud of myself. I actually mastered the subdoman thingy without anyone teaching me. *pat on the back* *grin* Now…if I can see Ryosuke online, I will remind him about the Japanese translation that he owes me.
Ah well…I’m guessing that he’s busy since he’s going to graduate in April and is planning his grad tour to Taiwan and Korea (if I remember correctly). The dude’s gonna move to Tokyo too. Who wants to practice their Japanese translation?? Only JLPT2 and above k. Otherwise, I might as well translate it myself. =P If you’re interested, go take a look at OopsIWannaSay and then contact me here. Scroll over ‘here’ and you should see the email link.
Ooh…I just bought a recipe book with tons of ice-cream desserts! I’ll try them out soon and will post piccies on them That reminds me…I have yet to upload yesterday’s Tea Party pics. Ah well…inertia…..
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