Thanks to the ‘trauma’ of Sunday, I have a mini backlog…but no worries! Here it is!!
Went to Anna Sui’s launch of their latest collection of mascara on Saturday. It was held at BHG, Bugis and it was waaaay crowded. Thing is that it was held at Anna Sui’s make-up counter in an already very crowded departmental store. There wasn’t a very clear cut cordoned area and the whole place was just uber squeezy. Would’ve been great if it were in a shop shop. Ah well…who cares when we get freebies? Teehee…
The wee goodie bag contains a sample of their new mascara (yay), foundation primer, foundation and a small vial of perfume.
Haven’t smelt the perfume yet. With regards to the rest of the products, will try and let you know! I think the only thing I’ll hate is the characteristic rose scent in all Anna Sui products. =P
Managed to even try their liquid eye colour and I must say that its impressive! The colour is really glittery and it stays despite me rubbing it off like mad. I like
Made Irish Cream ice cream last night!
Did a boo boo cos I mis-read the instructions. For baking, its normal to fold in the eye white into the large mixture. However, in this case, it should be folding in the mixture into the egg white.
The end result is an ice cream that’s not smooth thanks to the egg white. Ah well…no samples will be given out! Hahaha….
I had already reduced the sugar and its still very sweet…hmms…must reduce by more. I need to increase the amount of alcohol in it too. I thought I’m the alcoholic in the family, so I should just follow the recipe. Mum ate it and said that there wasn’t a kick. Haha…ok…MORE ALCOHOL!!
I’ve already thought of a name for my dessert ‘store’….if I ever started one. “All Spiked Up – Desserts that pack a punch!” Hee….this is henceforth copyrighted. If I find out about a store with the same name and tagline, I’m sooo gonna chase your ass down and file a lawsuit. Lalala….
I’m thinking of my next project. Sangria granita? Hmms….
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