Parents’ birthdays are only 3 days apart…hence..a 3-day celebration? Went to Don Quijote for dinner yesterday.
Squid ink angel hair seafood pasta. Yummy!
Their special Don Quijote paella! HUGE tiger prawns and lots of seafood. Mmmm…it was good!! I do recommend ordering this when you’re there. Paella = spanish food = paella. It’s as good as it gets. I think it might even be better than the paella that I had in Barcelona…but the one in Barcelona was less expensive and was a set with Sangria. Didn’t try the Sangria here though. Parents didn’t order wine so I didn’t want to come across as an alcoholic. =P
Ordered an apple juice instead.
I was expecting the clear brown version but I got this cloudy one instead! Surprised me because I was seriously wondering whether it was fresh squeezed. Of course it wasn’t. But I like!!! Where else will serve you cloudy apple juice that comes from a more expensive bottle than your Marigold or Peel Fresh??
I’m liking this place already….hur hur
View of the bar. Love the artwork behind!
We ordered tapas too and they were supposed to come before our mains. However, their wireless system didn’t put the orders through…so as compensation, we got free garlic prawn tapas!!Very good too. So much garlic and prawns…mmmm…..vampires beware!!
Ordered an asparagus tuna salad. We need our greens.
Asparagus count? 2. -__-;
Please don’t call a salad an “asparagus tuna” salad if the asparagus can be counted on one hand. Nothing special about this. I can make a meaner ensalada!
We’re always into fried calamari and a good one always just sits nicely in your tummy, leaving you that uber satisfied feeling.
One of the best fried calamaris that we’ve ever eaten is at Spaggedies. The tomato sauce just goes sooo well with the squid and the batter is just mmm….
First up – the batter can rival Spaggedies any time. Short fall – the squid’s chewy. The sauce is as exciting as mayo/thousand island is. The description was “special sauce”. Uh huh. -__-
Overall, the food didn’t suck and the quality’s quite good! Not bad for a restaurant that is only 6 mths old. Already, they’ve been featured in Straits Times and have received pretty good reviews online.
The service is top notch and the staff’s very friendly. All service staff in Singapore ought to learn something from them. Spent slightly more than $90, which is a wee bit pricey considering that we had a 15% discount. But its one of those things that you pay and don’t feel like its a total rip off.
After dinner, we headed home for the cake cutting!!
Gor called up Room for Dessert on Wed to order a carrot cake for our parents. Picked it up before heading for dinner and ooh…I love the smell of cinnamon in the shop. Freshly baked cakes always smell sooooo good. Better than eating them actually. Those who know me know that I prefer baking than eating cakes.
Anyway, I think Room for Dessert’s cakes are worth their prices. Their cakes are solid! Sure, its not as fancy schmancy as Bakerz Inn or Canelle but seriously, I think their down-to-earth cakes are of better quality. Sorry…not a fan of Bakerz Inn. I am NOT blown away by their desserts.
Today, I went to watch “Revolutionary Road” with mum as part of her birthday gift. Yup, part deux.
“Revolutionary Road” borders on being an art house film but I must say that the acting was top notch! The problem with films that are adapted from novels is that it lacks depth. Depth that novels can fill with description and symbols.
Happy to say that this film has depth! Its not a difficult film to watch but its not one that presents its themes easily. A reviewer on GV’s website stated that she didn’t understand the whole point of the film. Well, my response to that is that the movie is about our lives. Our sense of happiness and relationships.
Are we happy with being a wife/husband, having a family, a typical home and good paying job? Or do we want the unexpected? The living for the experience…to feel like we’re alive rather than be a drone? What does it take for the individual to be happy? Complex questions that we’ve got to introspect and answer for ourselves because each person’s sense of happiness is different from the next. That’s my takeaway from the film.
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