Thank yous & some reflection on my life (warning: might sound preachy)

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Went to a prayer meeting in church today after my hiatus from the group (oops) and I am glad that I went tonight. Father Antony gave us a talk today about Moses and the exodus from Egypt but what really hit home was WHY the Jews took 40 years to reach the promised land when they could’ve reach there within a few weeks or months. They were walking around in circles!

Lessons that God tried to teach the Jews and lessons that we can learn is mainly to trust God. Trust that he has a plan for us.

I was just telling SF that I can’t get another dog now because I can’t afford one etc and she wished me luck in getting a high paying job. I told her that the irony is that I used to have a good paying job but it didn’t make me happy. I am physically and mentally better right now but my main worry is of course, money.

This brings me back to what Father Ant said today about God sending us tremors to shake us up. That sometimes, we are not in flux and that only when we are in flux that we are creative. How true. It is only after being retrenched that I stepped out of my comfort zone and within this short period of time, I am able to learn html and what php is and how to code websites. I have never made so many jewellery designs in my previous stint either!

Love the line where Father Ant said that some people think that they’re no.1 when God really is no. 1. Sometimes, I think God shakes my life up too much and I’d rather he shook mine up with a cute guy. Hahaha….but who am I to dictate that right? 😛

I slipped into another trough of my life on Fri and was bawling my eyes out after I had unloaded some to Wince. He told me that I’ll be happier from now on. Yes, sounds rather cliche: you’re down now so it’s all up from now. Nonetheless, it is true. I can’t say that I’m flying high and am on cloud nine but I’m definitely in a better zone now. Thank you Wince for just ‘listening’ to me via msn.

Once more, I am thankful for how much I do learn about myself and the clarity I see what I want to do although my Mum is a naysayer. Sometimes, you do need to trust that voice within and ignore what common society says you should do.

Thank you Sing for informing me about the working holiday visa in New Zealand and I think it really IS God’s will that soon we’ll share the same path. Please go and apply for the visa NOW. 🙂 And of course, thanks Chowchow for bringing it up to Sing to begin with. I will be taking your wife away from you for 3 mths…haahahah…

Thank you Qing for readily blog-vertising my jewellery website after we were ‘chatting’ via sms. The increase in traffic is AMAZING! 🙂 Do let me know if you like anything you see on my site!

Most importantly, thank you Lord for the clarity of mind. I now have plans. They’re still general and may change but at least I don’t feel like I’m end at the teetering edge of a cliff and holding onto a rope that’s about to break.

Like my bestie, we both have come out from our experience in the financial industry with the perspective that money isn’t everything. It is only a means to clothe/feed/entertain ourselves with. Of course we do like what it can buy for us, we are females after all and I do love my Miu Miu, Dior, CKs and Coaches. However, it its the relish that (for me) I am doing something with my own 2 hands and that I am doing what I enjoy while for my bestie, it is wanting to do something that really helps someone directly.

Pardon this long post but I just have to get it out. I don’t claim to have reached the zen stage yet and I am sure that like the markets, I will hit another trough. Well, I’ll ride the waves.

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