Went to IL’s daughter’s 1st birthday party on Sat afternoon and she’s adorable (the baby of course) and she’s looking more and more like IL!! Even her ‘boyfriend’, CL’s son was there and it was just good fun to see babies interacting with each other. Oh…my maternal instincts are out in full force…I want a baby too!! Haha…that probably scared off half of Singaporean single heterosexual men.
Anyways…here are some pics from the party minus babies as I haven’t gotten permission from the mummies to post them on my blog
Hmm…what will baby choose first??
Hahaha…she immediately went for the chicken wing…THRICE!!! This is a baby who’ll never go hungry.
Highlight of the day – THE CAKE!! Adorable, isn’t it? Except for the chocolate supposed-to-look-like-Minnie-Mouse bits at the corners. The whole cake is edible except for the candle and plastic toys. Too bad I left before eating a bite of this cake as I had to rush off to Orchard for Her World magazine’s “Make Me Over” workshop/ seminar.
Happy Birthday Jaz!! Hope you like the dress that I bought for you and stay cute always!!
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