I’m going to be very busy for the next 2 weeks as I’ve got 4 exams to study for: CMFAS 1A, 5 and 6 as well as my Japanese (JLPT N2).
Gosh…I hate studying. I’m not the memorising kind. I like attending classes, get spoonfed and then regurgitate everything out during exams. Ask me to read of a text? That’s my immediate cure for insomnia man…*yawn* Ah well…I must press on.
I’m taking the CMFAS exams in order to get my dealer license. Yup, I’ve quit my current job and will be going back to the financial industry!! I am excited at the challenge but extremely nervous at the same time. Guess my ego has been bruised so badly that I second, triple guess my own intelligence. I’m so glad to all my friends who have (and still are) encouraged me. I’m also extremely grateful to the colleagues who happily clapped me on the back and said that I’ve made the right decision.
I have made the right decision.
This is both for my emotional well being as well as my career prospects.
My last day at my current organisation will be on Tuesday and I can’t wait for it to be over. I’m also looking forward to Christmas and the New Year!! May 2011 be a good year for one and all!!
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