Misc things that happened last week~

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Last week was a super duper busy week, which is why I haven’t had the chance to blog. Anyhows, these are some miscellaneous things that I’ve been up to:

I made what I’d like to call, a mocha tiramisu.  Unlike the traditional tiramisu, I didn’t use mascarpone cheese.  Instead, I used chocolate mousse (hence the mocha) which I made using a very simple recipe of marshmallows, good quality chocolate, a little bit of butter and whipped cream.  I baked a coffee sponge cake, doused it in Kahlua (mmm…yummy) and then topped that with my chocolate mousse.  Simply delicious!! I simply googled both recipes…hehe…

On Fri, my colleague braided my hair in this most amazing braid!! Check it out…

Nice? Nice? Nice?  Haha…the great thing about the braid is that my hair didn’t fly in a mess that evening and I didn’t need to care about it being limp and yucky during that evening’s event.

Oh…I’ve got to show off this pair of earrings that I made.  It’s not very well taken because I took it myself using my iphone. 😛 I originally made this to wear to my cousin’s wedding but I changed my outift at the last minute so I didn’t wear it in the end.  Do let me know if you like it!  I might consider making a variation of this for Oct 1983!

As I type this, my thighs are aching from my 10km run yesterday morning, my eyes are drooping cos I’m sleepy, my nose is semi-stuck and my stomach hurts.  As you’ve probably guessed, I’m on medical leave and am at home.  Will rest now…before I start on housework and whats not.

Last thing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAILEYS!! Today’s All Saints’ Day and it is also my little angel/devil (depends on his mood) birthday!! Lots of hugs and kisses to my darling poochies who turns a grand age of 7! 🙂

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