Hellos…I’ve been super busy studying for my CMFAS M6 which I just passed on Friday!! Woohoo!! I FINALLY passed…after 6 previous attempts. Yes, this was a total beeeyatch of a paper. That’s ONE huge weight off my shoulders and now, I can apply for my dealer’s license! Yay!! *Does a little dance*
There are many other things to be happy about. I attended my JC classmate’s wedding dinner on 29 Sep (super cute march-in btw, which I’ll post later) and then another good friend’s solemnisation on 2 Oct (aww…so happy for them because they FINALLY got married) AND…it’s going to be my birthday next week! As most of you guys know, I will come up with a wishlist annually. I know Cubey checks it regularly and since I’ve been late in posting it this year, I received an unexpected text from Cubey that read, “No wishlist this year?” My wishlist this year is uber easy: sponsorship for my Lasik. I don’t want or need anything else!
Easy peasy.
Here are my toe nails for the week! It’s my first time drawing anything on my nails (no stickers!) and it wasn’t easy drawing the bee upside down but I’m quite pleased with the result. I tried to do leopard prints on my finger nails but I’m ashamed to say that my nails looked as if they had chicken pox so I wiped them clean and decided to go with simple glitter and OPI’s black shatter. I’m having lotsa fun thinking of what designs for my nails and do let me know if you have seen any cute designs too! In the meanwhile, do support my cousin’s manicure biz called SoQ. You can click on her blog link named “Wenqing”.
Now that I’ve finished with my exams, I’ll definitely blog more regularly! Till the next post…cheerios!
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