What hectic January and February it has been so far!! It seems like a never-ending slew of things happening and things to do. My to-do list is getting longer despite me cancelling a lot of things off…(>.<) The backlog!!! But…I’m glad that I got a mini break over the Lunar New Year weekend and caught up with relatives and friends.
A “muted” New Year

I pre-ordered Yu Sheng from Donki and as if I wasn’t a fan before…this has turned me into a full blown one for even CNY louhei! I bought the Salmon Yu Sheng (S$38.90) and it was guuud. At first, I was surprised at how little radish and carrot was in the platter and honestly, when I placed everything into the plate…it looked kinda empty.

BUT! This was perfect for 9 of us and I was satisfied with the amount of raw fish that I managed to get onto my plate! Moreover, there was loads of crackers, which we all loved, and the jellyfish really added a nice bite to the whole thing. I’m sold. Donki, you will continue to get my CNY Yu Sheng money!
Oops…I digressed. I didn’t mean to heap on praises on Donki…what I wanted to discuss was how we were told not to talk while doing the louhei which was so weird but amusing to a certain extent. It was still quite fun due to the fact that we were Facetiming my aunt (in the US) and my bro (in Australia) who also tossed it with us in spirit. Hurhur…it was also my attempt to make them jealous. Hahaha. Mission accomplished!
While each visit wasn’t the full brood, at least the Lunar New Year “feeling” wasn’t muted. The sense of family and laughter was still there. But…I still haven’t seen my 3 younger cousins…hmmm…

Anyway, I hope that you guys all had a wonderful weekend and enjoy the rest of the week too!
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