My endometriosis has reared its ugly head again. I was on pills to suppress my periods but it came nonetheless…for more than a week. Therefore, it called for another trip to the doc who promptly asked me to check myself in for an op the next day. The op was to clean my internals and to insert an IUD so that it’ll stem the flow.
Thus, I have been on hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks where I suffered cramps and exhaustion almost every single day. I still have off-days now where I get really bad cramps. I’m still bleeding. Which sucks. Big time. In the words of my doc, my case is “troublesome”.
Thank you Jack and team at Konclave for the wonderful get-well hamper! Jack was so speedy to send it over once he found out that I had an op and was on hospitalisation leave. 🙂
So, I went back to work for the last 2 weeks and it was a mad rush of things. I still feel exhausted. Good news is, I will be on leave from next week onwards!! Won’t be in the office until Jan 2014! WOO HOO! Looking forward to that really badly.
Anyway, I will update soon. I have already updated on the Seafood Risotto I cooked before this whole depressing affair came about. Do support that blog so that I feel more inspired to cook. Haha.
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