Profile photo taken from Bali Spirit Festival That’s Amanda, the yogi from Real Yoga who has introduced Kalari Yoga to Singapore, and it is also the highlight of WellnessYogi RESET on 11 July! So, being good event organisers, we naturally have to attend a session of Kalari Yoga before declaring it our “highlight event”. What...
Conversations with Taiji Master Sim
My first real encounter with Taiji (or Taichi as some anglos will call it) was when my mum decided to take it up as a form of exercise some time back in the early 2000s. Like many, I brushed it off as some exercise for old folks and even laughed when she went to Chinatown...
Combination Hair Requires Combination Shampooing with Essential
Look what came into the mail a couple of weeks ago! I know…I’m reviewing this pretty late but I wanted to give you guys a more thorough review. Especially when it comes to our precious crowning glory. What intrigued me the most in this package is the nifty massage shampoo brush. Check out the rubber...
Create Demand & Growth For Your Business
In the past few week’s, the guys over at Key Person of Influence Singapore (KPI) have been working to get Daniel Priestley to run one of his acclaimed masterclasses here in Singapore. Daniel Priestley is a renown entrepreneur, sought-after speaker and author of the three best-selling books including Become a Key Person of Influence. Just...
Your Opinion Is Needed & You’ll Stand The Chance To Win Tickets
I need your help. I want to create a service that caters to YOUR needs and YOUR lifestyle while empowering you to become a better you – both on the inside and out. How can you get your voice be heard in shaping my business? All you need to do is to fill in a...
Stretch Marks vs. Cocoa Butter Spray
People tend to think that stretch marks mainly occur in women (maybe because of pregnancy) but…it’s not true! It happens to skinny people, fat people, men and women alike for several reasons. Here’s a video that will sum things up when it comes to 6 things that you should know about those pesky stretch marks:...
Conversation With Make Up Artist Mia Yeh
I got to know Mia on a trip to Vietnam where we went on the same day trip and when we went on the boat, both of us took photos of each other and promised to exchange photos through email once we both returned to Singapore. Mind you, this was the year before selfie sticks...
Be A 1 Day Entrepreneur – Bazaar Stalls Available!
As part of WellnessYogi RESET, we are having a Wellness Bazaar where we hope to fill it with stalls full of interesting, healthy and wellness products! Each standard booth comes with a 1.5m long table and 2 chairs. It’ll be under a tent so no need to worry about the rain. This bazaar will be...
Full Strategy To Combat Hair Loss
As I’ve been blogging about in my previous posts, I’m on a new journey to regain my crowning glory! After watching tons of videos and reading lots of reviews, here’s my full strategy. Don’t say that I never share ok? 1. Pre-shampooDr Oz mentioned on his show that hot water strips away a lot of...
Can You Spare A Few Moments?
I need your help to validate a business idea and plan. How can you help? All you need to do is fill in a very very short survey (promise!) and upon completion of the survey, you’ll be the first to get news about the launch of this new service at special prices! Please give me...