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Reason for my hiatus

My endometriosis has reared its ugly head again.  I was on pills to suppress my periods but it came nonetheless…for more than a week.  Therefore, it called for another trip to the doc who promptly asked me to check myself in for an op the next day.  The op was to clean my internals and...


Extending my 15 min of Fame

Here are a couple of videos where I was the presenter.  First one is a webinar that I did on trading the US markets in Singapore.  It’s a bit long so watch it only if you’re really interested in trading.  The second one is where I did a market commentary so that one is short...


Still alive

Yes, I’m still alive. I have been superbly busy with my recent holiday, followed by a month long investment festival which isn’t over as I’m typing this… I’m surprised that I’m still alive. Hmm…anyhows, I’ll be going to the dentist tomorrow to hopefully, pull out my troublesome wisdom tooth. Bah. Will blog soon.


I’ve been a busy bee

It has been a long time since I lasted posted and this has to do with me running around almost like a headless chook (chicken).  What have I been busy with?  Seminar after seminar (organising AND presenting) as well as a few videos.  They make me cringe because I don’t think I look good in...



*Stares at high heels* *Looks forlornly at them* *Looks at ankle* I’m such a walking klutz.  Good news is that I didn’t sprain my ankle.  Bad news is that I injured a ligament.  Don’t ask me how I managed to do so.  I was walking fine one minute and the next, I felt a sharp...


It’s fate!

Unbelievable…this man married his pillow!!! Why oh why….I don’t understand these people.  Marry a non-living thing? WTH….Worst part is that he acts as if the pillow is a living thing which loves him back!!  Ugh…some people need a life.  Seriously. So now that they’re married, are they going to have baby pillows which will grow...


Brain is dying

I have been busy mugging (Singaporean slang for serious studying) for my CMFAS M1A and M6 today.  Brain is officially filled to the brim and am unable to absorb anymore.  I am soooo going to fail M6 again. Boo hoo. 🙁 On the other hand, I hope to freaking pass M1A!! I get flying colours...


I hate studying

I’m going to be very busy for the next 2 weeks as I’ve got 4 exams to study for: CMFAS 1A, 5 and 6 as well as my Japanese (JLPT N2). Gosh…I hate studying.  I’m not the memorising kind.  I like attending classes, get spoonfed and then regurgitate everything out during exams.  Ask me to...


Sea of Randomness

Was randomly surfing the web and look what I found!!  🙂  I haven’t been translating for months now but I still get a sense of pride whenever I see my work.  Hee…. Happy Diwali/ Deepavali to all Hindu friends out there!  Have fun!!


New cammie!!!

Yes!!  I finally bought myself a new camera!!!  I know that a lot of people have told me that Canon is still the best but I’m a huge Sony fan and I find that their interface is a lot easier to maneuver.  Pretty??  They didn’t have this model in pink so the best is purple. ...