Found this wonderful new thingy to exfoliate the skin/ calluses from one’s feet! It’s called Ped Egg and it is a little pricey at GBP 9 (from ASDA, GBP 9.99 from Boots) BUT it really smoothes out the cracked heels and thick calluses at the balls of my feet.
I know, the thing looks like a cheese grater…and it probably works in the same manner except that the ‘blades’ are gentle and they don’t even burst a balloon when you rub it across.
I’m so happy with this buy! My Gor is most likely saying, “I bought it, you mean.” right now. Hahaha….wee~ nice feet from now on!
I’m sure you ladies with painful cracked heels will understand how I feel. Oh, and I have found out that great way to moisturise one’s feet is so apply hand moisturiser to your feet and then wear socks just before you go to bed. Your feet will be sooo nice and moisturised in the morning!
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