So I was given a box of Gorgeous by Klarity SG to try and review (28 ampoules) and I was intrigued to a certain extent. Mainly because I am taking collagen supplements but logically, I know that collagen is only protein so it’ll be digested down into amino acids in the stomach. However, there have been research reports that suggests that there is a correlation (not causation) between consumption of collagen and better skin/joint health.
That’s probably why I’m continuing my collagen supplements. But…Klarity SG comes with a lot of scientific backing regarding their Bioactive Collagen Peptides. As such, I have to try it out and find out JUST how good Klarity SG collagen supplement weighs up against their competitors.
Check out my video review below or at
What I didn’t add in the video is that it has been 2 weeks since I’ve stopped taking Gorgeous by Klarity SG and I can tell that my skin is going back to its pre-Klarity oiliness What I plan to do now is to get the Gorgeous by Klarity SG after I’ve finished my current collagen supplements! Yes, it is a bit pricey but remember that using the promo code <WELL150> will save you (and I) $18 per box. And to be honest, I’ve actually started using cheaper moisturisers with less chemicals because of my skin’s sensitivity so money saved there will go into the collagen supplement and keep my skin in tip top condition from inside out!
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