I love Chinese New Year!

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I just love Chinese NEw Year. It’s not just the ang pow and yummy food (although, it’s mostly that..haha), it’s also about meeting up with friends and family. It’s the best reason to meet up and play mahjong, cards and just talk crap. Hey Sing, both of us need to build up our mahjong skills and train to be future tai-tais as well as mahjong kakis. 😉 Watch out world! *evil laugh*

Anyway, this year has been the best chinese new year ever mainly because it’s a nice 2 day break from work (really appreciate holidays now more than ever) AND we’re finally moving from cards to mahjong! Ryosuke: you need to teach us how to play Japanese mahjong one day! 🙂 Weee….and on CNY eve, I drank so much champagne and umeshu that I slept so well on Sat night. Lots to smile about and just enjoy life. That’s what holidays are mainly about. Enjoying and counting your blessings. Many times, we forget what we have and just whine about how we lack this and that when there are others who lack so much material things but have more depth than us.

Today is Ash Wednesday and marks the start of Lent. We did a Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) yesterday by gorging ourselves on yummy CNY snacks and today is the day that I have to fast and abstain (looks forlornly at the rootbeer in the fridge). Ah well, Ash Wed is also the day to reflect on our past deeds and to truly make up for all wrong doings. 40 more days before Good Friday! On a more solemn note, I’m really glad that I’ve got friends, family, health, relative wealth, a pet and that I can live comfortably. I don’t need to worry about the next meal nor whether I have clothes to wear. Yes, I’m damn lucky! 😉

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