I am no longer participating in the bazaar that’s happening over next weekend. I am quite disappointed actually but there’s nothing much that I can say except bad timing and next time!
What happened? Well, I had already booked the stall since last month and as usual, we have to pay the rental first. I don’t have enough cash so I asked Mel Li to pay for the rental first and I’ll pay her back on the bazaar day itself (fyi-we’re sharing the stall). A couple of weeks later, she told me that she hasn’t paid the rental yet because she is supposed to go overseas and the dates were not confirmed.
She had soon settled her itinerary etc and had emailed the organiser to ask whether the stall was still available. He replied that it was only available if we booked it for 4 days. I, obviously, can’t. So I emailed him last week asking him whether we could book it only for 2 days since I was going overseas. This was his reply:
“Hi, sorry your late.. its all rentaid.. please be quick next time. i already stated is on first come first serve”
So rude.
Can I please please please tutor this guy in English? My charges are cheap! Only $20/hour!!
Another thing that Mel Li and I don’t understand is why these organisers (him and the Jazz@Southbridge one) don’t click on “Reply All” when we both cc-ed each other on every email. So much for being tech-savvy.
These organisers are young and they’re very hooked up to the internet and that seems to be their ONLY form of marketing, which is quite worrisome because its not that smart. Aiy. I shall not say how they should market. Will do it when I’m more put together and I organise my own
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