{Oct 1983} x The Bouquet People – Project VDay Sneaks

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It has been months of planning with The Bouquet People and a week of (almost) non-stop jewellery making (my right hand still feels a little cramped…hahaha) but it’s almost done!  We did our photo shoot yesterday and here’s a sneak as to what’s in store for 2012!

Above, our photographer Conrad setting up and checking on the lighting while we get our stuff arranged.

Boo Boo the cat getting into our photo shoot and she’s very fascinated with our photographer.
Conrad’s moving around our hand sewn fur clutch! More details on this soon. 🙂
Friend Sophia is helping to arrange the jewellery and background materials to ensure that the photo turns out perfect!

Tada…just a quick snap shot of what’s in store for Vday! Guys…we’re coming up with packages that will make things easy peasy for you while ensuring that your ladies are happy.  Ladies, do get yourself listed on our mailing list by sending an email to us at info@oopsiwannasay.com with the subject title “Mailing List” OR Like us on Facebook so that you can tag your guys on the stuff that you like! 😉

Some background on Oct 1983 x The Bouquet People:
We’ve known each other since Junior College (High School for those living in the US) and had joined hands in setting up jewellery and handicraft stalls during our University days.  Although our career paths diverged after graduation, we remain creative and have now joined hands to showcase our love for creating fun but classic designs for all. ‘Tis the season for loving!

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