Ugh…down with a stomach flu and had a high fever of 38.7 deg C this morning. Sucks sooo bad to be sick.
The symptoms started yesterday when I kept going to the loo and was passing out soft stool. At about 5pm, I started having headaches and felt a bit giddy on the way home. I thought it was just another day of staring at the computer screen for too long. However, at about 8pm, I felt really ill and when I took my temperature, I found out that I was having a mild fever of 37.5 deg C. Cue the panadol and sleep. But even sleep was evasive as I kept shivering as my hands and feet were cold but the rest of my body was burning up. The muscle aches were soo bad that it wasn’t funny. My joints ached and I had spasms of pain from my intestines. Such joy. I couldn’t take it anymore at about 4am and took muscle relaxant to help me catch some sleep.
Anyway, went to see the doc and was given stronger fever meds and some pills to ease the churning. My fever has subsided but my stomach is still churning every minute or so. Ah well…if I do feel fine tomorrow, I might just head back to the office.
*sigh* My diet just got more restricted. No dairy products, no oily and spicy foods…all these together with no shell fish and anchovies (ikan bilis)…*sigh* Hello bread and porridge!!
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