To celebrate Cubey’s birthday in advance, we 3 lobos met up on Tue for karaoke and the movie – “Bride Wars”. I’m so glad that Sing & I will never experience that sort of bride wars…cat fights etc. Hmms…I’m at a loss of words right now. I’ve got a few things to rant about but I shan’t do so in this post. These few days have been days of ups and downs…things to cheer about and things to moan about. Not quite roller coaster but yes, there are lots of things that I need to do and I feel as if the steam is running out.
The dream of a lot of people is to be their own boss. I’ve got to admit that life as one is good however, you’re your main cheerleader/ accountant/ brainstormer/ webmaster/ sales & marketing. Tiring – mentally. Enough said.
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