Welcoming Baby Beatrice!

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I’d like to welcome my little god-daughter, Beatrice, into the world! This sweet girl sleeps through all noise and allows us all to carry her without fuss. Her little gurgles of displeasure are so adorable that you can’t help but compare how she doesn’t wail, unlike her big bro Alistair.

She’s a spitting image of her bro when her bro was born too. Can’t wait to see her grow up to be a heartbreaker. I can already tell that she’s going to be a smart but stubborn gal too! Haha…oohohoho…imagine the teenage years!!

More adorable pics of Baby Bea, courtesy of her mother, my bestie:

My bestie crocheted that mermaid outfit for her. Lol. Reminds me that I too have a crochet project at hand.

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