I’m proud to announce that my book “Building Body Confidence” has finally been published! The e-book is currently available for download on Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V2JFKXV. You can read the first 3 chapters for free via Kindle as well.
The hardcopy will be out soon via Amazon as well but I’m still in the midst of sorting out some details regarding the artwork copy with Amazon. If you’d like to purchase the hardcopy from me, it’ll be S$30 (excluding postage). Please email me at melissa.fann@thewellnessinsider.sg if you’d like to purchase the hardcopy instead.
Check out the back cover summary of the book below:

Do note that I’m not earning from this as it cost a lot of time and money for me to self publish at the small quantity that it is. I am thinking of printing more and distributing throughout Singapore and Malaysia but we’ll get there once I’ve got the funds.
In the meanwhile, I really hope that you can support me and this Body Positive movement!
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