6 Weeks Into the 60-day Metabolic Tune Up Programme

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I know that I skipped a week because I’ve been too busy and never really got the chance to take any photos! Nonetheless, I’m super stoked by this week because I have lost almost 2.5kg since the start of the programme and there is inch loss too!

metabolic tune up programme
Neck: 14.3″
Waist: 35.8″
Hips: 40″
Neck: 14″
Waist: 34″
Hips: 41″

I think my hips became a little larger mainly because I was having my period when I took the measurements. But this is an indication to everyone not to be too crazy obsessed with numbers because your body will fluctuate due to hormones or if you’re feeling a little bloated due to what you’ve eaten etc. But…can you see from my side profile that my tummy has shrunk? You can see the slight silhouette of where my abs are! The muffin top has gone down a bit too.

In terms of food, I never really had a problem with fitting into the ‘rules’ of the programme as you can see from some of the meals that I’ve had over the past 2 weeks:

Base of sweet potato and topped with 1 baby avocado, hard boiled egg, 5 cherry tomatoes and a bit of yuzu sesame dressing.

Sweet potato is a good complex carb to eat and remember, carbs aren’t bad. This was a good balance of protein, carbs and good fats but was lacking a little on fibre which I could’ve topped off with some vegetables. Unfortunately, I did not buy any fresh spinach or lettuce.

Sweet potato, hard boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, 1 baby avocado and 1 pork chop loin with lemon coriander marinate.

I found this pork chop/loin that was sold marinated with a lemon coriander dressing in Cold Storage so I decided to give it a try since it was as easy as putting it into the oven for 20 minutes. It came out perfectly juicy and tender, plus the lemon coriander made the perfect dressing for this simple salad. Was very satisfying and because it is high in protein, helped to stave off my hunger for the 4 hours. No kidding!

Dinner of steamed fish, stir fried brinjal in sambal, red brown rice and sweet corn white fungus soup

I’m not a huge fan of salads, so I do eat quite a lot of food at home. Thank goodness my family eats relatively healthy. Steamed fish is great and you will definitely not feel guilty if your vegetables are stir fried with sambal. Yes…the Peranakan side of me shows up once in a while.

The cheat meal for the week really helps in 2 ways:
1. Psychologically – you don’t feel like you’re torturing yourself because you do look forward to that 1 day where you can indulge
2. Physically – your body doesn’t think that you’re going into starvation mode so it does not bother to store fats

Remember how I’ve mentioned previously that this programme isn’t meant to stop after 60-days? I like how I’ve gotten a better grasp of portion sizing for myself and I’m just using simple references such as a palm or a fistful. My stomach automatically tells me when to stop eating and I don’t feel compelled to eat by the clock. I eat when I’m hungry.

Looking forward to next week’s weigh in!

To find out more about the 60-day Metabolic Tune Up Programme, please click here.

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