I did something rather narcissistic last night. I googled myself – Melissa Fann. And I am quite amazed that my AliveNotDead.com profile comes up as top!! Well…I went back to that profile and realised that it received more than 3000 views…wow. I’m completely amazed. The next most read blog post is the one called “A lot to blog about”. Hey…for those who are reading my blog on Alive Not Dead, please come over here and look at my pretty blogskin!! LOL…yes, I am quite 无聊。
I think God doesn’t want me to trade today. I woke up @ 12.30pm (errms….don’t call me a pig because I usually sleep at 4am) and loaded my screens. Both EUR/USD and USD/JPY were flat. I really mean flat flat. So…I went off to eat lunch (or breakfast….whichever you think I ought to call it). Came back at 1.10pm and what do I see? BOTH mkts have moved!! USD/JPY went down by approximately 20 pips and the EUR/USD went up by 20 pips as well. Oh…guess what? Advice from Wince – my fx guru – is not to enter a trade once the MACD lines have crossed. So I didn’t. But the USD/JPY just dropped another 20 pips while I’m typing this. #-__- I take it as a sign!!! He doesn’t want me to trade today. Fine.
Ok…enough of the money chaser me. Let’s move on to philantrophic Mel. I’m sure most of you guys have watched “Slumdog Millionaire” and are quite appalled at the slums in India. World Vision has an excellent mailer that was sent out yesterday. “Slumdog Millionaire” does show the poverty in India but its just a movie. Here’s the real story (click on real story). You can sponsor a child and really help emancipate these children of the slums. If you can’t really afford it, you can do what I did – purchase an item. I bought an umbrella from them because my previous one was broken. So I figured that I’d kill 2 birds with 1 stone! So…what are you waiting for??
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