Category: <span>Work</span>

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Auctions auctions!!

I have finally found another auction website based in Singapore that doesn’t charge you to list your items!! Yay…how I have missed Yahoo auctions! It is and the only downside to this auction website is that they don’t allow personal details on your description. So, my attempts to add “” have been unsuccessful. The...


Back At work

After a month of holiday, I must submit to the forces of nature and return to the working reality. It has only been Day 2 and I can feel the tiredness seeping in. This kind of tired is not the food kind of tired that you get after diving/ surfing/ jogging or even (may I...


Life This Week

I’m such a romantic sop. I finished reading “PS I Love You” yesterday and I cried 3 times while reading it. It’s so sweet. I want to find a soul mate as thoughtful as Gerry. Where is he??? Spoke to C last night as well and I advised her to get out of that shit...


Feeling Loved

Power Packed days!! HAHahaha… Well, on the Friday that I didn’t work…my dear bestie L called me at 9am!! What for you ask? All for the combi to my laptop lock. I told my ex-IT guy and his reaction was “wtf? what for? yeah…she’s tactless like this.” Uh huh. Who wakes up at freaking 9am...


I quit

Today is my last day in my firm!! Woohoo…I’m revelling in the new found freedom. But of course, I mourn the loss of my salary. Time for yesterday’s 5.6km run = 47min, 45sec. So proud of myself 🙂


Bored At Work & Upset With Dog

I’m so bored at work…I’m literally wasting my time here since my last day is on Thu. Anyway, I got super pissed off with my dog last night. I realised that he had climbed up onto my bed yesterday morning and ate up my chocolated coated corn!! I had only eaten 1/3 of the pack....


Loving David Tao & Thinking About Finances

DT in the house! Went to David Tao’s 123 我们是木头人2008 Concert. It’s his 3rd concert held in our Singapore Indoor Stadium and he rocked the house! Nontheless…conclusion is that David Tao can’t dance and thank goodness he didn’t attempt to do so. There was a lot more banter from him and you could tell that...


What’s After My Resignation

Well, as most of you know, I’ve tendered my resignation on 2 Apr. My official last day is 1 May (Labour Day, which is a public holiday) but I’ve requested for early release. In a lot of ways, I’m not worried about the future but of course, I do worry about how long I can...