I don’t feel fat until people tell it to me in my face and that’s when I’d usually feel bad about myself. There was a period of time where I’d even get depressed. As in clinically depressed, bawling my eyes out and feeling crappy kind of depressed. It has been many years since then and...
Two Weeks After Parasite Cleansing
It has been 2 weeks since I started my parasite cleansing with Paraway Plus and the healing crisis is hitting me really bad. As mentioned in last week’s post, I developed a fever and a bad sore throat. It got so bad that I went to see the doctor last Wed and was put on a course of...
A Week After Parasite Cleansing
When I posted this photo on Instagram and Facebook a week ago stating that I was going to get rid of (unknown) parasites in my body, I was really surprised at the response I received. A lot of friends and family members started asking me questions about why I was doing this, whether the Paraway Plus was...
Reasons for thinning hair, how to fix them and what to eat for healthier hair
Read these 2 articles on Oprah.com and decided to combine them into one because it is not only important to fix problems but to also maintain the good. My additional comments will be in italics. You’re Noticing: Thinning Along the Hairline Likely cause: Regularly yanking your hair back into too-tight stylesWhy it leads to thinning:...
Quick Weight Loss (Lies)
When I saw this on my Facebook newsfeed the other day, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. It is so true that there are so many people out there who are just looking for that quick-fix or instant weight loss through diet and while it is true that the cathchin in green tea increases...
10 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll
You may have heard a lot of buzz surrounding the healthiness of vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables with deep, rich color tones. In many ways, they’re perfect foods and part of the credit is owed to the chlorophyll they contain. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that’s instrumental in photosynthesis. Research also suggests it’s instrumental in promoting good...
What’s Your Take On Plus Sized Models On The Runway?
I first saw this image on Facebook where my friend shared it with the following comment: “Not body shaming, but it is NOT ok to be fat. If you have medical issues and became big cuz (sic) of hormonal imbalance etc, then fine. But no, having a very plus sized woman walk the runway doesn’t...
Contest – Let Us Help You Fulfil Your New Year’s Resolution
According to research, only 8% of those who make New Year’s Resolutions are successful at achieving them. Pásshen knows that it’s difficult, so they would like to give you a helping hand. Here’s how you can stand the chance to win more than $200 worth of wellness coaching, a make over, financial planning or even a fitness regime all planned...
Eating To Look Younger And Feeling More Beautiful
As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” Which is why over the years, I’ve been more aware of what goes into my mouth and even to a certain extent, what comes out (no constipation etc). I must thank the BBC for being the constant reputable source of my documentary ‘addiction’ and I just...
Mindful Of Stress Relief And Self Massage
Talking about stress and mindfulness Day 3 of our Beauty Week was all about dealing with stress and learning how to deal with it. Living in this fast paced rat race, we often deal with stress only when it becomes too much to handle. Tonight’s workshop was all about recognising the signs and learning how to deal...