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Hi Ho the merry o…

It’s yet another day of our annual spring cleaning…in parts. Mum has decided to clean the fridge out today. And I’m wet bcos I had to wash the seperators. I don’t like being this wet and not had a shower. =P Anyway, today was a mix of good and bad news. Good: My CBM was...


The day of ups and downs..more downs actually

Today is sooo sucky….it’s my free day and to my happiness, the Course Based Module (CBM) that I was outbidded before was up for bids again! So I bidded 1701 pts and checked the bidding periodically. Then I went to eat lunch and watched the movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” until 4. I...


A day at the beach

We went to Sentosa today…the whole family including Baileys. It was meant to be a fun filled day but it was rather disappointing due to the following reasons: 1. It started to rain 1/2 hr after we got there 2. The cafe was under renovation and we had to use those temporary smelly ones 3....



I think that my last entry must have made me sound like a petty person. I’m over that outburst and I don’t really care right now. I must apologise to one and all if I have offended any of the parties involved. However, I’m not deleting that entry because I think I was being very...



Well, I was told that the mugs from Chow are really those that Sing painted for us. Hence Chow’s name on it. Sing told me that Chow’s idea of expressing sincerity to friends isn’t through tangible means unlike mine. -_- The act of getting a gift or not getting a gift is intangible. The idea...


New Year’s Eve’s irritation

I remembered last night that Chow didn’t give us anything for christmas when Sing told me over that the phone that he did. So I text messaged Sing saying that she lied because Chow didn’t give us anything. Sing replied this morning that he did. His presents are the blue mugs he bought on behalf...


The moose’s email

This is what the moose wrote to me regarding my essay: “With some hesitation, I gave your paper a B-. It is really on the borderline between a C+ and a B-.  The standard of papers I received in JS2227 was pretty low, with the very notable exception of Geneva, who of course is a...


Why do assholes exist?

Sing was relating what happened this afternoon when she met Kenric (to all those who dunno, Kenric’s my ex). Sing was commenting how Chow (Sing’s bf) and I had went against our word and watched “The Incredibles” without her. Idiotic Kenric’s reply was, “I’m not surprised that SHE did that.” What the hell was that...


Yeah yeah…ok…

I read some of my other friends’ blogs and I’m so ashamed at the look of mine….hahaha…the rest of my friends have very cool or cute backgrounds! Ok…let me go and search for a wow background…I keep changing mine…hahaha…heck. I think God’s telling me to study…my mother, bro and suddenly Joel were hupping about me...


Ripples in the sea

I’m consistently amazed at the number of people who read my blog. I’m so thankful that my little blog has managed to make some ripples in the huge sea of society. I’m also very thankful to all the anonymous posts (from those who are really anonymous and not Sing who forgets to sign off). To...