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Cover of “Say Something” with OFFTHECLIFF

Last Thu, I did a Table Top Talk interview with my friend Cliff, aka OFFTHECLIFF. And after the more ‘serious’ talkshow, we did a jam session and here’s what came out of it…our collaboration cover of “Say Something”. We’ve been talking about doing this collaboration for about a year now (which is also how long...

beauty secrets

Episode 31: Beauty Secrets From the Kitchen (Melissa’s Table Top Talk)

Want to know how to turn simple ingredients found in your kitchen into beauty products? We learnt from Sara Davina, founder of Restoration Essence, on how just to do that! [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDk7GyHGu0w] As you can see, beauty can be easy and affordable – all it takes it a little bit of effort and knowledge. Best...


Let the Music Heal Your Soul – Melissa’s Table Top Talk Ep 30

Yass….I’m finally getting this year’s Melissa’s Table Top Talk back in action and we’re kickstarting with my friend and musician, Cliff Lee. We’ll be talking about how music can heal the soul and then we’ll definitely be going into a jamming session! Do join us ‘live’ tomorrow at www.facebook.com/thewellnessinsider or on Bigo.tv/melfann. If you already...

Launch of The Wellness Insider’s Talkshow!

Launch of The Wellness Insider’s Talkshow!

I’m so proud to announce the launch of Season 1 of The Wellness Insider‘s Wellness Experts Talk! It has taken quite some time to finish the filming (that was the easy part), editing and finally, the launch. I wish that my website was up but alas, it is still work in progress. Nonetheless, the website...