For those who travel often and stay in a city for a relatively long period of time, here’s an article that will really help you save $ when your relatives/friends call you or when you call them. Basically, its about purchasing a cheap SIM card from the country of your destination and then using either...
Category: <span>Travel</span>
I realise that when I’m frustrated, it happens when a lot of things occur at the same time. Take yesterday for example: 1. Joomla was not user friendly so I was having tons of problem trying to type everything out in html and tweaking stuff…not fun -__- 2. Forex decided to just go against whatever...
Japanese Studies
For those who are learning Japanese or would like to learn Japanese but find the language schools too expensive (I feel you..), check out this website! iknow It’s really comprehensive and it really helps you remember vocabulary and while you’re reading the new vocabs, you can observe the grammar usage of words. 昨日、テンプスタッフのコンサルトントにあった。彼女のアドバイスは日本語をもともと勉強しる。私もうそうしたいけど、私にとって、日本語はとても難しいだよ。。。そして、いろいろなスクールの授業料は高い。今、お金がないから、上に紹介のサイトを利用している。 For those...
Singapore is now in the Finals for Table Tennis!!! YES!!!!!!!!! I actually stayed back in my office JUST to watch the matches. I could’ve left at 5:20pm but I had to know whether we won or not. Amazing play! Nail-biting moments! The trading floor came to a semi-standstill while all our eyes were glued to...
Sorry for not blogging for the past couple of weeks. I was busy last week with a church retreat for Single Young Adults. It was very good, albeit a little long..will explain that a little later. Anyway, today is 080808!! It’s also the start of the Beijing Olympics!! Woohoo! Tomorrow’s our National Day too! Things...
Dog Howling & Travel Plans
My dog has been howling in the evenings. Any idea? Most websites often say that its because dogs hear higher ranges of frequencies of sounds or that they’re communicating. I wonder whether my dog is trying to communicate to whoever’s not at home (today, its my dad). Some friends of mine are trying to plan...
Mel’s Bali trip
Ok guys…be prepared for a super long blog entry since I’m going to blog about my vacation in typical fashion (ie. in chronological order). Kindly bear with me. This is a blog entry of epic proportions (LOL). Day 1 – 15 Apr, Thu Arrived in the Depansar airport at 12 noon but waited at immigration...
KL trip
As some of you might know, I went to Kuala Lumpur for a short holiday over this long weekend. I must say that KL has changed a lot. It has cleaned up and there are a lot more tall buildings. It has now turned into Singapore with a Malaysian twist. My bro said that my...
I was researching on some stuff for my ISM topic and I came across this website that suggested that androgynous/bishounen characters can be traced back to the samurai tradition! Hmm…seems like a rather large leap but reasonable one no doubt, when the author mentioned that it’s due to the samurai tradition of having homosexual relations...